Gonna B A Texas Storm
2006. 15.2H. AAHA. Gelding.
$10,000 - SOLD
If you are looking for a good well-broke pleasure riding gelding, and are not looking to spend an arm and a leg… Take a look at this gelding!
“Stormy” is a big and beautiful golden palomino gelding. Standing at 15.2H this 2006 model is a registered Appendix gelding and is looking for an older gal/guy to enjoy him. This gelding is the bestest boy – he is so sweet, loves affection, and has super ground manners. He is easy to get along with, and has a personality you will just love! He has a former western dressage foundation, and has a lovely handle. He pivots beautifully, side passes, backs soft, knows his leads, and moves cute. His canter is uphill and super comfortable! Stormy has been used for riding lessons and is very tolerant of a rider’s mistakes too. He is light in the contact and collects into the bridle effortlessly. We took him in town and he never batted an eye at the road traffic and commotion on the street - we even rode him through the DQ drive-thru! Out on the trail he is very brave and will guide around on a loose rein. There is no hesitation from Stormy when asking him to cross bridges, water (in fact he loves water), over fallen branches, down hills, or up embankments. He mastered my obstacle course in 2.0 seconds – and cruised over everything like a pro! Stormy was a bit of a fraidy-cat when we introduced the tarp to him (he jumped side ways from it thinking the boggie man was hiding in it), but within 5 minutes of desensitization he tolerated it being flogged all around/off him- I even drug it off him! I would not consider him spooky or nervous by any means, he is actually a real laid-back guy and more of a “push” ride! He is aware of his surroundings and not a deadhead plug. Stormy is alert and perks his ears forward – he has absolutely no buck, rear, bite, kick, crib, weave etc. We have ridden him out alone and, in a group, at which he was a good boy. No lunge prep –get on and go! You can turn him out in the pasture and bring him up to ride once a month, rest assured Stormy will ride off gentle every time. Stormy does not have a mean bone in his body, he gets along well with other horses and is uncomplicated to have in the barn. Often times he will hang out by the gate waiting for you to catch him! Stormy is very well broke with an exceptional handle that most anyone can enjoy. He has excellent stall manners, loads into the trailer, stand tied, easy to doctor, good for the farrier etc. If your show days are over but you still want to putz around and practice your Equitation in the arena and trail every now and then – this boy can live at home and will be your best friend.
Stormy has been owned by an equine veterinarian for the past several years. She has taken extremely good care of him; he has a current coggins, current dental on file, current shots, etc. Anything you can imagine – he is UTD on. Stormy has no navicular changes, and has adequate sole thickness but he is on the thinner side of average. He does not have sensitive soles, and is generally comfortable going barefoot which he has been for many years. His owner (vet) prefers him to be shod when riding out on the trails and arena for added heel and limb support. He is currently shod as he is in program being fitted for sale. He is currently not on any daily supplements, and is a very easy keeper! I do not wish to sell him to a speed or jumping home – I am looking for a family, trail, or pleasure riding home for this guy… special preference to a retiree looking for a beautiful, well trained, well-seasoned gelding! Stormy is located in Terrell, TX. Shipping can be coordinated to any state.