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Smokin Poco Hankin

2007. 15.1H. APHA/Ptha/ABRA. Mare.

$8,500 - SOLD to a repeat Client!

“Pokie” lives up to her name with her comfortable gaits and easy one hand neck rein! Sit back and enjoy the ride on this 2007, triple registered, Grulla mare! Standing a solid 15.1HH, Pokie has thick bone and a unique color that certainly will get you noticed. You can lope for hours on this girl without getting tired or sore – her lope is that comfortable! Pokie has done a little bit of everything; she rides English, does the barrels/poles, obstacle challenge events, drill team, can sort, doctor/push cattle, and trail rides! Crossing rough terrain, over fallen branches, or navigating over a bridge is no difficult task and comes easy for Pokie. She is user-friendly and FUN to ride! Pokie is soft in the face and has a featherlight neck rein, and responds great to leg aids. Whip her bridle off and cruise around bridleless, on whoa she will come right back down, and will back up off your cues. She has a simple handle for beginners to enjoy, but has a good enough handle for the more experienced riders to utilize.  Pokie pivots, knows her leads, collects into the bridle, works a gate, side passes etc.  She would be great to have around the Ranch as an extra horse for your out of town guests to ride, or for your husband who wants to play Cowboy! She has been used for all aspects of ranch chores, and has no problem with tractors, gunfire, cattle, ATVS, traffic, motorcycles, etc! Pokie is unflappable with the tarp and flag – you can stand on her back and wave a 10 foot tarp in her face and she won’t give a care in the World!  Pokie will not freshen up, she has NO buck/rear/bolt! She is a straight forward point and shoot kind of gal.  NO buddy or barn sour, you can ride her out alone or with a group! Can be caught in a wide-open pasture, loads herself right onto the trailer, stands tied, easy to saddle/bridle, and is quiet for mounting. She turns out well with others, is an easy keeper, and has no health/soundness issues. She has had an old cosmetic scar on her back leg, which is clinically insignificant, and causes her absolutely no problems. I just had her teeth floated by my certified equine dentist, feet trimmed, and a fresh coggins pulled. She does wonderful barefoot, and prefers to live a ranch horse lifestyle, turned out with friends in a pasture. Terrell TX – shipping available nationwide!

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Lily Bragg, Owner


Terrell, TX 

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