2009. 14.3H. Grade Paint. Mare
$12,000 - SOLD
You need a horse like Pretzel in your family! This girl will steal your heart!
“Pretzel” is the sweetest 14.3H, 12-year-old, super flashy, grade, paint mare. Wherever we take her, we get compliments on how beautiful she is and how much she resembles the reining horse “Gunner”! She adores kids, and loves to be a teacher! She is patient, forgiving, kind, and so quiet. But, what I love the most about Pretzel is her agreeable personality, temperament, and her easy going ride. She is only going to go as fast as you want to go – point and shoot handle! If you get off balance in the saddle she comes to a stop, and is incredibly patient while you regain your balance. She has an excellent whoa, super smooth gaits, rates right off your seat, easy neck rein, side passes, works a gate, and pivots! She stands quiet to mount, and can trail ride alone or with a group! She rides through water, over bridges, navigates down in between gullies, over hills, and handles rocky terrain well. She is not “overly” sensitive, so a beginner rider can easily steer her around safely without pushing too many buttons! Polite ground manners, stands tied, loads, and good for farrier/vet. Pretzel has no tricks up her sleeve; she is honest, safe, and sane. You can turn her out for months, and bring her up for the grandkids to ride for Christmas without a worry. Pretzel is an easy-going gal, she isn’t bothered by much, and she’ll do anything you ask of her. We rode Pretzel bridleless downtown – that is how good minded and broke this gal is! She never made a wrong step, even with traffic weaving around her. You can throw a rope of her, drag a log, carry a flag, and cover her with a tarp as well. Pretzel would be best suited in a family setting where she will be pampered and well loved. She has been a little girl’s horse for many years and she has moved up to a step-up horse. She has also recently been used in riding lessons, riding around the ranch, and novice guests for “pony rides” as well. You can hop on her bareback in a halter and ride her up from the pasture too.
Pretzel just had her teeth floated by our licensed dentist, she also has a current coggins, and is UTD on farrier. She is very clean legged, no soundness or health issues. Pretzel is a super easy keeper – she can be stall kept or turned out to pasture with her buddies. Non mare-ish with no vices.
I am telling you, Pretzel is an EVERYONE kinda gal to enjoy. She is beautiful to boot, and would love to be the center of attention in your family. Located in Terrell, TX. Shipping can be arranged to any state.