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2005. 14H. Grade Quarter Pony. Gelding.

$4,000 - SOLD

‘Ponyman’ is a super fun, handy, lil guy! Looking for a fun trail blazer that is easy to get on/off of on the trail? Look no further! Ponyman is cute as a button with the kindest puppy dog eyes! This 2005 model stands a solid 14HH with thick bone and substance.  He is always up for an adventure and is super brave outside the arena and in new places.  He is a good boy by himself or with a group. He rides quiet in town and loves to swim in the pond! Ponyman has a simple one hand neck rein and rides great in a Dutton dog bone bit.  Ponyman needs a sensible, understanding, and compassionate owner. He truly is a sweetie-pie, and does not have a mean bone in his body. A few years ago, he was rescued out of a neglectful situation. He appreciates a patient handler that will not rush or be hard with him. He is by no means dangerous or difficult, but can be a little watchy on the ground. Ponyman is super smart, he has NO bad habits. Ponyman is an OLD SOUL, he LOVES to hit the trails and cruise on a long rein. NOT spooky on the trails!! You can easily navigate him over the bridge, through water, over hills, and fallen branches. This guy is super quick and catty through the poles and barrels too! He had a dental float/shots earlier this Spring, has a current coggins, current on chiropractic, and just had his feet trimmed.  Ponyman requires no special maintenance, he is an easy keeper, and gets along great with others. Point at the trailer and he will load himself, stands tied, easy for the farrier/vet, and occasionally can play ring around the round bale in the pasture (sometimes we bring a grain bucket out with us LOL).  He is always looking for a cookie, and thoroughly enjoys grooming time! Ponyman benefits from routine chiropractic work, otherwise he can get sore in the poll. No cold back, rear or bolt to this guy. Just a plain jane trail blazer! His kind puppy dog eyes will win your heart over every time!  This is one you can leave turned out for a month, load him up and hit the trails -no problem!


Shipping available nation-wide, inquire today for a quote. Ponyman is located in Terrell, TX.

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Lily Bragg, Owner


Terrell, TX 

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