HesObviously Sacred
15.3H. 2015. APHA. Gelding. HYPP N/N
If you missed out on Mick Dreamy, here is your 2nd rare opportunity to land another once-in-a-lifetime gelding! It is not every day that we have horses as versatile, fancy broke, handsome, and solid as this one!
“HesObviously Sacred” is a strikingly gorgeous, unique, and charming 15.3H 2015 APHA registered Sabino gelding with 1 partial blue eye! Affectionately known around the barn as “Junior”, this exquisite gelding can do anything under the sun! Have you ever heard the expression, “Jack of all trades, master of none” – if this doesn’t describe Junior, I don’t know what will! He has been shown in APHA, trail rides, rides in Parades, rides English, gives lessons to beginners, sorts a cow, and will even do basic ranch chores! He packs the kids around all over the farm, and is ever so forgiving of their mistakes. If you can sit up and hold the reins- you can ride Junior!
He has a “Courtesy Mount” installed into him, and with a few smooches he will quietly, and conveniently, side pass over to any mounting block, trailer, or tree stump for easy mounting. He has earned his unicorn status with his fancy bells and whistles in the arena, and his reliability and quietness out on the trail. Junior is confident in and out of the arena, he can lead or follow on the trail, and is sure footed to cross any obstacle found on the path. He will happily cruise over bridges, jump fallen branches, step over vines, ride down in between gullies, over hills, and through moving water. Junior isn’t fazed by cattle, drones, strollers, wildlife, barking dogs, tarps, flags, umbrellas, loud commotion, traffic.. you get the picture-- this guy is quiet as they come.
He is happy to go in a hackamore, snaffle, or full bridle! Junior is soft in the collection, adjustable in his stride, and has a fantastic start in his lateral movement. Junior will side pass, slide in the dirt, and will spin a hole in the ground. He is incredibly comfortable to ride, with the nicest rocking chair slow canter one could ever sit. Junior is never in a hurry to go anywhere, he never is one to get hot/jiggy/ or nervous, and loves to ride on a relaxed loose rein. He requires zero lunge prep, just hop on and go! Junior has ZERO buck, kick out, hump, barn sour, or silliness to him. Even with time off, Junior stays honest, and calm.
Above all, Junior is kind, patient, and incredibly gentle. His demeanor is always happy go lucky, with his ears perked forward. Junior LOVES attention, he will stand for hours in the cross ties with his back foot cocked, while you brush and dote all over him. You won’t ever have to worry about loping out in an open field, or riding down a busy rode, Junior is a true gentleman, that will take care of any rider. He is also a larger built horse, that can comfortably accommodate a heavier/larger rider.
Junior will walk straight up to the fence to greet you, and will curiously be searching for a treat or two. He is a pleasure to handle, gets along well with others, point at the trailer and he self-loads, ties, clips, bathes, easy for farrier/vet, and has no vices. Junior has two very small scars on the back of his hind pasterns, purely cosmetic, they do not impede or hinder performance at all. Junior just had a dental float, with my certified equine dentist, a new coggins pulled, and feet just done. He has great feet(barefoot!), no history of any soundness, illness, or health issues. He is barefoot upfront, and has performance sliders on the hind (Which can be removed per buyers request, before shipment). APHA paperwork in hand, he is ready to go! We recommend he wear a long fly mask in the Summer to protect his white face. Junior has been tested for HYPP, and is N/N.
Make him your main family horse, guest horse, or reliable trail blazer. You will catch the judges attention in the western dressage, obstacle challenge, or show ring too! You surely won’t ever be going out of style on the trails, this guy is fancy and pretty as all get out! Rarely will you find a fancy broke, safe, quiet, and reliable gelding – all in one BIG package, here he is folks! You are going to love everything about him. Junior is located in Terrell, TX. Shipping can be arranged anywhere in the Country, with routine routes going West Coast/East Coast/ and straight North.