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2006-2010. 15.3H. Grade Paint/Part Draft?. Gelding.

$15,000 - SOLD

"Hawkeye" has enough charisma to go around with his two flashy blue eyes, THICK mane & tail, and champagne-y buckskin coat. This guy has the substance, personality, and experience to make someone a fantastic husband trail horse. He sure is not lacking in size standing at 15.3 hands high! Whilst we do not know his pedigree, we believe there is a high possibility that he might have ¼ draft horse in him. This guy has massive bone & excellent BIG feet! This gelding is a total HUNK, be sure to check out all his videos.

Hawkeye is the total package; he is gorgeous, quiet, honest, a sports a fancy handle. He rides like a Cadillac in the arena with an incredible extended trot and uphill canter that is not only incredibly comfortable to sit but fun to ride as well! Someone who has a dressage background will really appreciate his handle. This guy is FANCY and will go into the bridle like a boss. He side passes, pivots, backs, shoulder in/ haunches in etc. We will produce a dressage video, if not sold beforehand…. This guy goes lovely in dressage tack! Additionally, to his arena skills he also thrives out on the trail. He goes on autopilot and has great power steering – and is VERY brave/quiet. Seriously, we have not found anything to spook or bother him. This is as close to “Stupid proof” as you can get! We have ridden him downtown, through traffic, next to a train, around cattle, he has seen wildlife, and will never hesitate crossing water, over a bridge, fallen log, or down a ravine. You can pony another horse off him and he does not get upset if another horse rides up his butt. Does not require any lunging and does well if left off –  seriously, this guy is that gentle! This guy would make a great pony horse at the track or rodeo pick-up mount. We have heavily hauled him off property and can confidently say he rides off property like a pro. He has great ground manners and  has been ridden by kids under supervision.

He has absolutely zero bad habits, will not freshen up, no sourness, etc. Hawkeye is a gentleman, and is the same horse day in and day out. With no tricks up his sleeve, he is known for his reliability. Hawkeye ties well (ground ties too), stands like a statue for mounting, is easy to catch, enjoys living outside but also stalls good (although he is kind of a messy in a stall), good for farrier, clips, and loads easy. If he is turned out with other horses, he can be alpha at feeding time and will run horses off by pinning his ears.  

Hawkeye is current on dental, chiropractic, coggins, and farrier. He is shod up front but can go barefoot. No health or soundness issues. Ages 2006 model by our equine dentist, but ages to be a 2010 model by our vet - take it as you wish. I just had his sheath cleaned by the vet as well. Looking for a well-seasoned gelding that can do the arena + trail gig? Want something SAFE for your husband to ride? You’ve found him.  Located in Terrell, TX. Shipping can be arranged to any state.

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Lily Bragg, Owner


Terrell, TX 

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