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Foxy Maid Hancock

2010.  15.2H. 1120#. AQHA. Mare.

$5,850 - SOLD

 If you are looking for a GENTLE and GORGEOUS horse that is reliable year-round – look no further! “Foxy” is a solid mount that can wear many hats- from ranch chores, trail riding, youth playday, or simply a fun pleasure mount. She has the sweetest disposition with no mare-y type of attitude whatsoever! This mare is stout, kind eyed, wide barreled, has a big shoulder, and is built to work all day long! This is a big beautiful, sound, gentle, mare that goes great barefoot. Throw this mare out to pasture all year, bring her up in the middle of winter and put her right to work without a worry. She will stay gentle year-round with limited riding, no lunging needed! Foxy is not spooky and is well seasoned – no silly behavior!! She has 3 great ground covering comfortable gaits, and will go one handed in the bridle. Foxy has a punchy ‘whoa’, will move off leg, turn around, work a gate, and is super sure footed out on the trail. Foxy has been giving lessons to a 12 year old girl (intermediate level of riding). She is very forgiving and easy for most any rider to get along with. We have also been playing around under Dressage tack too. She came off a working dude ranch and has been a family trail horse in the last recent years. This mare has been exposed to cattle, will ride through water, and over bridges. I could see this mare going straight to head horse training, being used as a turn back horse, pattern her around the barrels, or use her as a simple ranch/trail horse. Foxy would be an excellent mare to use to check cattle and fences on your ranch, and to get a few big boned babies out of as well. She stands quietly for mounting and has absolutely no funny business. I have not found a single negative vice in this mare.
Owners have had her a few years and have taken great care of her, but would like to find a horse a little bit more suitable for their grandbabies to learn to ride on – and miss Foxy is a little too forward for that gig. Super cute mare, gentle all the way around, could definitely see this mare doing the ranch riding/western dressage deal as well. Check out all her videos on my webpage! Papers, signed transfer, and coggins in hand.  This mare is such a pleasure to have in the barn, she can be easily pastured with any other horse without a worry. She is so EASY to keep, handle, ride, bridle, load, etc.  Stands quiet for the vet and farrier. This is a simple and straight forward kind of horse, that has no quirks or bad habits. Ready to join your family!

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Lily Bragg, Owner


Terrell, TX 

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