Deacons Bootsie
2011. 15.1H. 1090#. AQHA. Mare
$7,500.00 - SOLD
“Nellie” is an incredibly versatile, beautiful, and fancy sooty buckskin mare. I love representing horses like Nellie, because they are just so easy & they can honestly sell themselves. This mare has done SO much and is the complete package. She has it all; the looks, baby doll eyes, a ton of chrome, the desire to work, Cadillac handle, and is made so stout. This is a mare you could use out on your ranch rain or shine, have the kids ride in the Holiday parades, and breed later in the Spring. Conformationally, Nellie is built like a working ranch horse should be with her thick bone, strong bare-feet, yet has a feminine and sweet face. There is not a single blemish or scar on her.
Nellie has a to die for smooth trot(that you will want to ride for hours!!), a very fluid canter, and an excellent stop. She moves well off your leg and follows your body language nicely. She uses her body so well, collects, rides one handed in a bridle, counter arcs, pivots, backs, works a gate, and steps nicely over big logs/bridges. You can take off her bridle and steer her around with just your body, flog the tarp all over her… I can not find a SINGLE thing to bother this mare! She has passed ALL my evaluation tests 100%. Nellie is sure footed out on the trails, even if the terrain is a little rough! She is never in a hurry to go anywhere and has a very comfortable walk out on the trails. Will ride out alone or in a group. Extremely level headed & uncomplicated to ride. Would be an excellent candidate to take out camping for the weekend & would work nicely in a lesson program with a variety of riders.
Nellie has been lightly started on the barrel pattern & head side. She has pasture roped a handful of steers and has also drug calves to the branding pit! Nellie has been rode by kids in Parades and partook in Super Ride this year (big drill team/parade event). She was not bothered by any of the loud commotion, blow up bouncy houses, flags, and parade floats. Take her trick or treating, she doesn’t mind Halloween Costumes! With how nicely broke she is, I could see her transitioning into Dressage or SHOT versatility work with ease. Nellie is light with the contact and has a gorgeous natural low frame. She is a pretty mover and has more then enough eye appeal for the judge… not to mention has been hauled around and is seasoned!
This mare passed a pre-purchase exam this May and is sound, barefoot. Coggins, dental, and shots done this past May. She is a very easy keeper, can live inside or out, you can catch her in the pasture and ride her back up to the barn in a halter. Nellie is a good girl for the farrier, easily loads, and stands quiet by the trailer at events. No naughty bad habits, does not crib/weave/kick. Has not offered to buck/rear/bolt under saddle.
She is being offered for sale due to no fault of her own, owner needs to reduce her herd. This is a very low maintenance mare with a long resume of what she has done; don’t miss out on this chromed out buckskin! Most people drive the tires off their trucks trying to find a seasoned, quiet, and fun mare that you can literally do anything with!
Please excuse the fact that it is raining in 70% of the sale video, and the arena is saturated. We made do with the current rain situation. More videos coming soon, when weather permits. :)
*Affordable, Nation Wide Shipping Available*
Nellie is located in Terrell TX. Please direct serious inquires to Lily Bragg, 214-449-8028.