2006. 15.3H. AQHA. Gelding.
Need an affordable option for a lesson program, pleasure/trail rider, or local 4H show mount?! Here is a really sweet gelding with a kind eye & soft expression. “Cinnabon” is a classic chestnut QH gelding standing 15.3H tall. Cinnabon is quiet, easy going, and a pleasure to have in the barn. His ears are almost ALWAYS perked forward as he is such a happy + agreeable guy to get along with! He is very gentle, and has an excellent “Broke - broke” like handle under saddle! This is a gelding you can easily teach the canter on – he is SO smooth and practically canters in place. He just had a 45 day tune up from a western dressage approach, and has a solid flying lead change! Cinnabon collects into a frame two handed, and will also go around quietly on a loose rein 1 handed! Snaffle mouth that is easy to frame up. He stops + backs good, has an adjustable stride, good lateral movements, and will pivot. He has been ridden English & will jump small jumps with ease. He has had different levels of riders on him, and as young as a 9 year old confident boy!
Trail riding is high up on his favorites list! Whether you ask him to cross a bridge, walk on the sidewalk, over fallen branches, or through water – he will do it all willingly and loves a good adventure. Cinnabon is confident to go out alone or with a group! We have hauled him into town and he was awesome riding around the cars – he even walked underneath the awning + up the concrete ramps! He has no buck, rear, bolt, kick etc! He does not look to spook, but was very intrigued by the cattle – I take it he has not seen cattle very much in his life. He is good in a stall, and is low man on the totem poll in a pasture. Cinnabon would excel as an English/Western lesson horse, could dabble into some 1st level dressage, youth/teenager horse, or basic trail rider! You can ride him bareback in a halter up from the pasture, he is brave on the obstacle course, and is not gate/buddy sour! He supposedly knows the barrels/poles, but I would prefer to not sell him to a gaming home where he will be whipped/kicked on!
He has good ground manners, is easy to catch, bathes easy, picks up his feet, simple to saddle/bridle, good for farrier/vet, and loves to be groomed! He did offer to pull back on my patience tree one day – but stands good in the cross ties. Somehow, we forgot to video trailer loading, yes, he loads easy! One habit that is worth notating; sometimes he will try and walk off and toss his head while you are mounting. It isn’t anything dangerous, but sort of an annoying habit. He has gotten a lot better over the time that he has been here, with the habit 85% remedied, for those that know me know how transparent I represent my horses -so it is worth mentioning.
Upon a recent dental float by a licensed dentist, a lip tattoo was found! This gelding was found in the AQHA database, and is a 2006 model, by Jody O Toole and out of a Dash for Cash & Streakin Six daughter. The best of the best pedigree! He is a registered gelding, however, I do not have his papers in hand. You can do the leg work to obtain his papers, but I am selling him grade. He has a few cosmetic scars on his butt that appear old and are insignificant to his soundness. He is sound, healthy, fat, recent coggins on file, shots last done December of 2020, front shoes on, recently de-wormed, and body massage/ adjustment by my D.C.! He feels + looks great, and is ready to go!
Cinnabon is ready to make his way into a new family, he has a lot to offer with many years left in him! He is a really fun, BROKE, and gentle gelding- priced incredibly competitively in this hot market. He will go fast! He is located in Terrell, TX – shipping can be arranged to any state affordably.