A Lil Pepper Remedy
2010. 980#. 14.1HH. AQHA. Mare
Has anyone ever had a HEART horse? Shooter is that HEART HORSE you have always dreamed of having….“Shooter” is easy, FUN, and fancy broke! Standing a stout 14.1HH, born in 2010, this AQHA registered, mare sports a classic cowboy color and has a hint of chrome with her big blaze and blue eye. You won’t find a smoother more enjoyable way to cover ground than this lil bay mare. She is wicked cool, incredibly athletic, kind, and versatile for anyone to utilize. These kinds are not easy to find, and are worth their weight in gold. Shooter is so uncomplicated to own and ride. She instantly puts you in a good mood from the moment you step up into the saddle. From mounted shooting, running the barrels, to pasture roping – this mare has done everything and in between. She is my top pick in the barn right now, there isn’t anything this mare can’t handle or do.
Shooter has been the rancher’s wife’s horse for many years. She has been hauled all over Texas and New Mexico being used for all aspects of a working ranch; pasture roping, dragging calves to the branding pit, doctoring, branding, sorting cows, and checking fence lines. She will go all day long, and will never quit on you. Rides through the roughest terrain and is sure footed everywhere she goes. She will cover good ground with her smooth extended trot, and flat-footed walk. Never hesitates when being asked to climb steep hills, cross bridges, ponds/streams, go down into gullies, and over fallen debris. Gentle for your little one to ride, and has been sorted off of by a handy 9-year-old youth rider. This is one you can pull out of the pasture, saddle, hop on, and go. No lunge prep, no coldback, no buck, no rear, no tricks up her sleeve. There ain’t nothing this mare hasn’t seen, crossed, or gone through on the trails. Ride her once a year or 5 times a week, Shooter will ride off quiet and gentle never missing a beat. Point at the trailer and she will load herself, hauls easy, clips, ties, stands for vet/farrier. This mare has IMPECCABLE ground manners and is gentle in each and every way.
She has been patterned on the barrels/poles, and has won a few checks at the local jackpots. With her prior cutting training she makes for a really catty, quick, and punchy playday/barrel/pole mare. She is super ratey and fun to whip through a pattern- you will be left smiling ear to ear! Shooter also has been entered into penning/sorting events and knows her way around a cow. She never gets hot, jittery, or nervous. Make run after run on her and she will ride with her head down quiet. She has been in the box a handful of times, and has been heeled off of some. You can easily dial her in whenever you need her. She can go from walking on a draped rein, to stepping up and roping a stray cow in the pasture in a heartbeat. Shooter is never spooky and does not act like a fool. You could be flapping a tarp all over her, or opening an umbrella off her, this mare is just solid all the way around. This is a seasoned mare on and off property, broke the very best and is going to make someone really happy.
No bridle? No problem! She will cruise around, slide to a stop, turn, side pass, lope off easy with a string around her neck. Shooter is fancy broke & incredibly soft and light in the mouth. She goes good in an o ring snaffle, dog bone Dutton short shank, or a bosal. With her excellent brain and solid training, she could double as a cowboy/western dressage mount or show her in the Ranch Riding events! It wouldn’t take much to finished her out to be a mounted shooting mount. She has a great spin, smooth transitions, started lead change, sidepasses, works a gate, navigates easily around 1 handed, and can drag a log around. I could easily see this mare doing the extreme trail competitions as well. If you are looking for a 5 in 1 multi use horse, this is it.
Good with gunfire, tarps, drones, flags, traffic, loud commotion, ropes, banners, the scary blow-up balloon at Sonic etc. My novice husband hoped on her for a 5-mile trail ride, and kept going on about how easy and featherlight her neck rein was. Total point n shoot kinda ride! Can go out alone or with a group. No bad habits, honest, sound, and sane. Shooter is sweet and enjoys affection, she can be turned out with a herd (gets along with others) or can be stalled. She is the easiest keeper around, is shod all the way around, no maintenance or leg problems. Good black feet, clean legs, no scars etc. As a baby she did cut her tongue that required some stitches which is why she prefers a softer bit (shes so broke/light you could go bitless too). Teeth done last month by my certified equine dentist. Current coggins, new shoes on, she is all ready to go. Enjoy her as a pleasurable trail mount, utilize her on your working ranch, show her in the ranch events or cowboy dressage, or breed her – she is truly the jack of all trades. Terrell TX, shipping to any state can be arranged easily.