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Sonny Go Propose

APHA. 2001. 15.3H. Gelding

SOLD to a repeat client!

The time has come, “Bailey” is looking for a forever home. Oldies are the goodies, and this guy is such a saint! I will be selective, so please contact me if you feel you can offer the perfect home  – as the best horses deserve only the best care!

“Sonny Go Propose” is truly one in a million. Aside from his charisma, sweet personality, and beauty, this gelding knows his job & is the real deal. This 2001, 15.3H, APHA registered gelding, is so finished, fancy broke, uncomplicated, and easy that anyone can enjoy.  “Bailey” is the epitome of a youth packer, confidence booster, and unicorn. He wears his unicorn horn with pride, and loves teaching young kids & beginners. He is so patient and kind to a rider’s mistake, he will always do his job even when a rider is out of place/asking incorrectly. Bailey is incredibly comfortable, sporting a fantastic lope/jog to learn on.  He has a solid neck rein and very slow gaits, if you get off balance Bailey will slow down and come to a halt. He only is going to go as fast you as you want him to. If you are older, have bad hips/joints BUT still want to enjoy riding without going “fast”– even at the jog/lope--- your Cadillac awaits, because he is the finest ride since sliced bread.

Bailey has over 80 APHA points in the Showmanship, Western Pleasure, Trail, and Horsemanship. He does not need any professional rides to ride this good – he has been maintained at home with a beginner for the last 4 years. Prior to this, he was shown/ maintained at home by a little girl and her mother for six years. Bailey and his little girl have shown and won all over Texas - top 5 at the FWSS and also in San Antonio, he has multiple local show end of year champion awards - show record a mile long.  He loves to trail ride, is willing over all the obstacles, rides through water, and isn’t fazed by new environments. He is one of those happy go lucky geldings that can be left off for 7 months in the pasture, be caught, saddled, and ride off with no drama. He has ZERO buck, rear, bolt, spook, kick out, no bad habits, etc. One of the kindest geldings, and stays gentle year-round. He is good in a stall, excellent ground manners, easy to catch, stands quiet for mounting, low man on totem poll in a herd, non-aggressive at feeding time, clips, ties, bathes, good for farrier, and is easy to load onto the trailer. He prefers to ride in an open style trailer, so we pin our slant open so he has ample room otherwise he can rub his hip raw on the slant.


I see Bailey happiest living a lovely life with other horses, going on leisurely trail rides around the farm, giving lessons to the grandchildren, and being doted/spoiled by his family. He can teach anyone walk, trot, lope! Bailey is one of the nicest trained geldings out there on the market today, with all the fancy bells and whistles. At his age, he has all the wisdom in the world to educate any young rider, or be that “Steady Eddie” for an older lady. He has many more years left in him, but, is 20, and has arthritis/ limitations. He is NOT 100% sound – and requires maintenance. We have gotten his care UTD as following: recent dental with our licensed dentist, current coggins, chiropractic adjustment -to which Dr. Parrish was very happy with his mobility at his age, farrier 11/1 (wedge front shoes, barefoot hind) – he was barefoot prior and did fine as well, 10/18 hock & front feet injections, previcox daily, Platinum Performance Complete Joint. He had a recent vet check 11/6, and is NOT 100% sound. The vet recommended OSPHOS injections, possibly adding pads/ getting his underrun heels lifted up, or adequan may help him soundness wise.

I know the last few owners of this horse, and I know the breeder personally. I sold him back in 2017 to a family who used him to pleasure ride around their hobby farm – their kids have lost interest and they have decided to sell out of horses completely. When they asked if I would take him back, I said absolutely!  It really is an honor to have such a nice gelding back, even if he is an old man! I still love him the same – and I know you will too. Please inquire with a brief introduction on yourself, your intended purpose, photos of where he will be staying, and the name of your vet. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!  Terrell, TX. Shipping Available Nation -Wide.

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Lily Bragg, Owner


Terrell, TX 


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