Lady's Blue Bell
2017.14.1H. GHRA/PtHA.Mare
SOLD to WA for $35,250.00
Where do I even begin. Blue Bell is a horse of a lifetime. A real connection, a real horse, and a real story.
If you would like to fast forward through her story below, please jump to the “Sale Ad” below.
This special blue roan mare holds a very dear place to me and words cannot even begin to describe the mix of emotions she fills my heart with. She will always be known to me as “the horse with a story” and it is with great honor that I have been apart of her journey and now can share that story. Perhaps I see myself in her; someone who is built from scratch – who has a ton of bravery – who puts her heart into everything she does – and who started at the bottom. Maybe it’s a little luck, a little faith, or both - but I believe everything happens for a reason. Certain horses, people, and energies are brought into our lives for a purpose. From the day I met this mare in 2019 – I just knew there was something special about her.
Blue Bell was bred and raised in Sherman, TX by a client of mine. My client was dispersing most all her horses and I had assisted in marketing/finding homes for those horses. Blue Bell being one of them. A gangly looking, butt high, long yearling who was barely halter broke. Something drew me to her; I saw a diamond in a rough and vocalized my adoration for this filly. My client overwhelmed me with kindness and gifted her to me one day. Little did I know my dreams of turning her into something great in my program would be shattered just a month later. Life happened, and I was forced with the decision to liquidate assets. I ended up finding Blue Bell a wonderful home in North TX with an older gentleman. His love and infatuation with Gypsy horses overwhelmed me and seeing his pure joy and excitement in his face when I unloaded her off the trailer – I knew I was doing the right thing. Driving home with an empty trailer, saddened, but happy she was able to bring enjoyment to someone, I was hopeful for the future. Little did I know in 2021, things would change and I would be given the opportunity to own the little crossbred filly again.
We stayed in touch over the course of the months and he sent photos/updates on Blue Bell. He just loved that little filly. He hired a local young man who started the ground work training and put her first few rides under saddle. He sent me a photo of her very first saddling, and you could tell he was elated with pride. Over the course of time, I would learn just how kind, generous, and loving Larry was – and he especially loved the animals dearly. In 2021 he mentioned in conversation that his health was failing as he continued to fight cancer. He gave me the opportunity to buy her back, and without hesitation I did. I remember standing in his front yard conversating about life, listening to him crack jokes here and there, and expressed his love for the horses. I could tell he was excited for what plans I had instore for Blue Bell- and he was ready to watch the journey unravel. He knew the big plans I had for Blue Bell; as I was loading her into my trailer he said one thing to me. “Do something special with her – and make sure whomever she goes to fully appreciates her for the horse she is.” For the next 2 years I would do just that. Make her into something special. Something he would be so proud of. Something I would be proud of. Being afforded the 2nd opportunity and privilege to develop this gypsy cross mare – has been a dream come true for me. My appreciation and love for this mare grows every day. It is with no easy decision to offer her to the public. It is time for her to give memories, love, and confidence to another person just like she has for Larry and I. Over time I learned how much heart and try this mare has, she truly is a unique horse like no other. I stayed in touch with Larry, sent him photos of Blue Bell at the reining trainer, photos of her learning to lay down, photos of her participating in a parade in Fort Worth. He was so thrilled to see Blue Bell doing great things.
In 2022 I found out Larry had passed away.
He would want everyone to know how special she is, and to live life abundantly. I know he is watching her from above, and I know we have made him proud. I am forever grateful for Cindy and Larry both for allowing Blue Bell to be a part of my journey. If you made it this far, thank you for your time reading our story and now with great honor let me tell you about sweet Blue Bell.
Sale Ad:
Blue Bell is a 2017 blue roan tobiano mare (but we think she is secretly disguised as a unicorn), sired by the proven gypsy vanner Stallion “Royal Barney” and is out of a blue roan ranch bred mare. She stands a stout 14.1H tall and weighs every bit of 1015-1025 lbs. Do not let her size fool you – she is WIDE and has very THICK bone! From professional reining training to riding down the trail – she is the definition of a horse that can “Do it all” and she is equipped with the right training to do whatever you have in mind.
Everyone who meets Blue Bell encounters the same overwhelming fairytale magic and enchantment. Blue Bell has therapeutic properties that I cannot put into words. I can count MANY days/nights over the years that I have felt depressed/overwhelmed and I instantly go grab my Blue Bell for a fix. Riding her bareback/bridle less, loping her through a field, brushing her thick mane, and cuddling with her out in the pasture is like chicken soup for the soul and the pick me up that I’ve needed. I have yet to meet someone who doesn’t love sweet Blue Bell – she just has that effect on people!
Blue Bell is incredibly willing and kind. She puts her heart into EVERYTHING that she does and will always please. We have extensively trail ridden Blue Bell all over Texas. My husband and I have logged hundreds of trail riding miles on this mare. Riding down the boggiest of trails, asking her to ride across sketchy bridges, and down steep embankments. None of which she ever hesitates. She has seen it all and is unfazed by things encountered out on the trail, including but not limited to; drones, tractors, kids in strollers, umbrellas, the gardener leaf blowing the side of the walkway, wildlife, atvs, cattle, traffic, gunfire, etc. Blue Bell crosses water, over bridges, navigates over fallen tree branches, and will find her footing on any rough terrain. Put your hand down and enjoy the sights. This is definitely my “go to” mount – Each. And. Every. Time.
Blue Bell is gentle, cautious, and so patient with the littles catching/leading/grooming and walking around. She watches where she puts her feet and goes slower then usual to ensure their safety. She may snag a blade of grass during the opportune time – but you can be certain that she is always going to be calm and careful with them.
Blue Bell has a reining foundation. She is soft, supple, collects two handed into the bridle, and will go around in a bridle on a loose rein 1 handed. Blue Bell has a flying lead change, she spins both ways, jogs off like a pleasure horse, and rates off your seat. Blue Bell has a ton of fancy buttons that any skilled rider will enjoy, but is simple enough for a more novice rider. You can maneuver a gate, yield her hip around, side pass, etc. This mare has already been shown a handful of times, and shows enormous aptitude as a ranch riding/SHOT horse. With her finesse in handle she can clean house in the horsemanship classes as well.
Blue Bell has also spent a few months being lightly ranched on. Ben would load her up into the open stock trailer and use her to check cattle, fences, and sort mamas/babies. She would stand for hours tied to the trailer where she would see the sights and the ranch shenanigans. In 2021 she was used in a few Queening events and Parades.
Blue Bell is trained to lay down on cue, and is trained to side pass over to any obstacle for easy mounting (Courtesy pick-up). Blue Bell has also started liberty training and shows promising potential! She took to mounted shooting like it was a piece of cake and could care less about the gunfire, loud commotion, carrying a tarp, etc. Not a worry in the World from this mare. We have done all the silly fun stuff with this girl – taken her into town to ride, ridden her bareback at Sonic to grab a cool treat, and have even swam her in the pond on our hot Texas Summer days.
But I am not done there. I pulled my breeches and tall boots out from my closet and dusted off my dressage tack and Blue Bell impressed us yet again! Blue Bell is an adorable pony clubber type and went around just cute as a button in dressage tack.
Blue Bell is currently stalled at night(under lights) and has a beautiful slick coat. She is neat and respectful in a stall and LOVES her turn out time during the day! Blue Bell is a no fuss and uncomplicated girl, she requires no lunge prep just tack up and go. She loads, stands tied, greets you at the gate, clips, bathes, etc.
We want you to buy with confidence and ease, which is why Blue Bell has already been pre-vetted by an equine veterinarian. Selling 100% sound in every way. Blue Bell has never been injected and requires no special maintenance or dietary needs. Blue Bell has clean legs and has never taken a lame step or been sick. The vet commented on how “heavy duty” her bone is – this mare will last a lifetime. Blue Bell is PSSM and FIS Negative, I have every dental record and coggins on file since 2021, and she is up-to-date with vaccines, deworming, chiropractic, and farrier. I am pretty sure I have taken better care of sweet Blue Bell then I have my own health. She is double registered with the GHRA and PtHA and has all paperwork in order to transfer to her new owner. All vet documents are posted and are available on my website for your viewing pleasure.
I am blessed to have had the opportunity to own such a unique mare, and to showcase within my program what she has to offer. Please do not hesitate to reach out for any questions. I now look forward to take a seat, as a proud spectator and hand the reins off to someone else who is going to enjoy her as much as we have.
I would like to thank those who played a pinnacle role in the production of this video and who made our journey possible; Cindy, Larry, Phil, Benjamin Arreguín with J40 BAR Horsemanship, Jessica & Mark How with How Performance Horses, 940 Branding Company, Jennifer, Jonah+boys, our wonderful husband behind the camera, and our friends Courtney and Cailey at Foust Equine, LLC. You all have played a role in this mare voyage some way or another. From the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful.
This mare is selling exclusively on the platform now through January 30th!
Blue Bell is located in Terrell, TX – we would be happy to coordinate shipping to any location.
We welcome any interested party to please review the 2 hours of footage and 75+ professional photos of this mare on our website. Booking in person trial times during select dates. To protect our time, a small non-refundable booking fee will be charged to confirm your appointment.
(Please ensure you use the arrows to click through the gallery as there are 75+ photos)
Additional Videos:
We have uploaded all the un-cut footage of this mare. Below you will see 2+ hours of video.
Registration Papers:

Vet Records: